Feel free
to ask
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are the most frequently asked questions. If you have another question, please feel free to contact us.
Employer questions
What is a recognised sponsor?
A recognized sponsor is a person or an organization that has an interest in a foreign national’s stay in the Netherlands. For example, the employer of a highly skilled migrant. The sponsor has certain duties of care to the foreign national. Recognition as a sponsor also offers benefits to employers who are more likely to bring highly skilled migrants or researchers to the Netherlands.
At Welcome Center Food Valley, we verify that you as an employer meet the requirements for recognition as a sponsor. Furthermore, we explain the additional responsibilities you will have as a recognized referent and what the benefits are and we will apply for recognition as a referent for you.
Pagina: Erkend referent worden Link: Erkenning als referent | IND
IND = Immigratie- en naturalisatiedienst | Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid
How can I apply for a work permit?
Applying for a separate work permit – or work permit, as it is officially called – is not necessary for a highly skilled migrant or researcher. Depending on the country of origin, applying for a visa may be necessary.
At Welcome Center Food Valley, we review what documents are and are not required and can take care of the application for you. We also accompany the expat on his arrival in the Netherlands.
Pagina: Kennismigranten aannemen Link: Werkvergunning aanvragen | UWV | Werkgevers
Link: Hoe vraag ik een visum voor Nederland aan? | Rijksoverheid.nl
TWV = tewerkstellingsvergunning GVVA = Gecombineerde Vergunning voor Verblijf en Arbeid UWV = Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen
How do I become a recognized sponsor?
Apply for recognition as a sponsor through the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND). The IND maintains a public register of recognized sponsors.
To become a recognized sponsor, employers must meet a number of conditions. At Welcome Center Food Valley, we verify that you meet these requirements. Furthermore, we explain the additional responsibilities and benefits you will receive as a recognized sponsor and we will apply for recognition as a sponsor for you.
Pagina: Erkend referent worden Link: Erkenning als referent | IND
IND = Immigratie- en naturalisatiedienst | Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid
Can my employee's family members also come here?
Under certain conditions, the partner and/or children can also come to the Netherlands. For this, each family member needs a residence permit.
At Welcome Center Food Valley we check if the family members of the highly skilled migrant or researcher meet the conditions to come to the Netherlands . Furthermore, we can help the primary resident apply for a residence permit for each family member.
We have our own in-house desk for the IND, allowing you to complete several formalities at once with one appointment.
Pagina: In-house balies Link: Verblijfsvergunningen | IND
IND = Immigratie- en naturalisatiedienst | Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid
Why are there costs associated with your services?
Welcome Center Food Valley is a financially independent foundation and receives no grants or funds from third parties.
Pagina: De stichting
Can you apply for recognition as sponsor for us?
In some cases, this is possible.
Contact us for more information.
Pagina: Erkend referent worden Link: Erkenning als referent | IND
IND = Immigratie- en naturalisatiedienst | Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid
What fees do you charge for picking up the residence permit from the IND at the Welcome Center?
The cost is 85 euros (rate 2025)
Pagina: In-house balies Link: Verblijfsvergunningen | IND
IND = Immigratie- en naturalisatiedienst | Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid
Can you give specific advice on certain questions we have as employers?
Yes, that is possible.
Your best bet is to contact us at welcome@wcfv.nl.
Or fill out the contact form.
Pagina: Contactformulier
Pagina: Specifieke diensten
I would like to hire a knowledge migrant. How does that work?
We can schedule a consultation for this.
For fees, see our fee schedule.
Pagina: Contact Pagina: Kennismigranten aannemen Tarievenlijst (PDF): Services and Fees 2024
* (WUR: zie lijst op intranet)
What about the cost of formalities?
The costs will have to be reimbursed by the employer. This is the only option to arrange the formalities through the Welcome Center.
We are happy to discuss with employers the benefits of arranging formalities through Welcome Center.
Pagina: Contact Pagina: Formaliteiten
As an SME entrepreneur, I would like to hire international employees. Do you only work for the larger companies or can I also use your services?
Of course! We help organizations of all sizes. Contact us to discuss the possibilities.
Pagina: Contact Pagina: Kennismigranten aannemen
Expat questions
How can I apply for a residence permit?
Applying for a residence permit is done through the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND). To qualify for a residence permit, the knowledge migrant or researcher must meet a number of general conditions for expatriates and additional conditions for knowledge migrants or researchers.
At Welcome Center Food Valley, we check whether the general conditions as well as the additional conditions are met. After the review and receipt of all required documents, we submit the application for the residence permit for the knowledge migrant or scientific researcher.
For any family members, we can do that at the same time. This application also includes a visa (if required) and the work permit.
We have our own in-house desk for the IND, allowing you to complete several formalities at once with one appointment.
Pagina: In-house balies Link: Verblijfsvergunningen | IND
IND = Immigratie- en naturalisatiedienst | Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid
How can I apply for a BSN?
The Citizen Service Number (BSN) is issued after registering with the municipality in the Basic Registration of Persons (BRP).
At Welcome Center Food Valley, we can perform pre-registration with the municipality of Wageningen as part of our complete guidance. We request the Citizen Service Number from the Municipality of Wageningen two weeks before arrival.
We have our own in-house desk for the municipality of Wageningen, allowing you to handle several formalities at once with one appointment. The BSN is then given to the expat immediately upon registration.
Pagina: In-house balies Pagina: Handige websites Link [NL]: Wat is het burgerservicenummer (BSN)? | Rijksoverheid.nl Link [EN]: What is a Citizen Service number (belastingdienst.nl)
BSN = burgerservicenummer BRP = Basisregistratie Personen
Het burgerservicenummer (BSN) is uw eigen persoonsnummer voor contact met de overheid. Bijvoorbeeld voor zorg of belastingen. U krijgt een BSN als u zich inschrijft in de Basisregistratie Personen (BRP)
I received a letter from CAK, what should I do?
You can check this SVB website for more information:
Letter from the CAK | Wlz | SVB.
If you can’t figure it out, you can send your advisor immigration a message.
Link: Letter from the CAK | Wlz | SVB Link: website CAK. Link: CAK - Wikipedia. CAK = Centraal Administratie Kantoor SVB = Sociale Verzekeringsbank WMO = Wet maatschappelijke ondersteuning WLZ = Wet langdurige zorg
Het CAK voert voor de Nederlandse overheid een aantal taken uit. Het CAK int de eigen bijdragen voor de Wmo en de Wlz en voert een aantal regelingen uit zoals de regeling wanbetalers en de regeling onverzekerden.
Op de eigen website van het CAK is meer informatie te vinden. ook in het Engels.
Can I make an appointment to pick up my residence card in Wageningen?
Through your employer, an appointment can be scheduled for you at the IND at the Welcome Center to pick up your residency card. They can fill out the Request for Formalities Welcome Center form for this purpose.
For search year passes:
- The IND will send you an invitation as soon as your pass is ready.
- For pick-up, you can visit the “IND search year walk-in” at the Welcome Center without an appointment on Thursdays from 11.45 to 12.00 hrs.
– Outside this time it is not possible to collect search year passes. –
Formulier: Afspraakformulier Formaliteiten
Pagina: In-house balies
Link: Afspraak maken met de IND | IND.
Link: IND-loketten en locaties | IND
IND = Immigratie- en naturalisatiedienst | Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid
Can the Welcome Center extend my residence permit?
Contact your employer for this. They can apply to the Welcome Center to renew your residence permit.
Formulier: Afspraakformulier Formaliteiten Pagina: In-house balies Link: Verblijfsvergunning regulier bepaalde tijd verlengen | IND Link: Verblijfsdocument onbepaalde tijd vernieuwen | IND
IND = Immigratie- en naturalisatiedienst | Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid
Can I come to you for registration with the municipality?
WCFV offers the possibility of combining your IND appointment with a (re)registration with the municipality.
This is only possible if the international worker holds a lease in one of the following municipalities: Wageningen, Veenendaal, Renkum, Barneveld, Nijkerk, Arnhem, Ede and Rhenen.
It is not possible to only register with us, for that we refer you to the Town Hall of the municipality where you will live.
Link: Gemeente Wageningen, links naar andere gemeentes in de Food Valley staan bij onze handige websites
Can I make an appointment for the IND to take biometrics at the Welcome Center?
Through your employer, an appointment can be scheduled for you with the IND at the Welcome Center. They can use the form Application Formalities Welcome Center complete.
If this does not apply to your situation, we will refer you to an IND counter for having biometrics taken.
Formulier: Afspraakformulier Formaliteiten Pagina: In-house balies Link: Afspraak biometrie: pasfoto, handtekening en vingerafdrukken | IND
IND = Immigratie- en naturalisatiedienst | Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid
How can I make an appointment with the doctor?
If you live in Wageningen or Bennekom, you can contact the Student Medical Center.
If you live in another municipality, you must approach a general practice yourself to ask if you can register there as a client.
Link: Student Medical Centre Link: ZorgkaartNederland
GP = 'Huisarts' ZorgkaartNederland = Het platform biedt onafhankelijke keuze-informatie en helpt zo patiënten te kiezen voor een zorgverlener die het beste past bij hun wensen. Link: zorgaanbieders met de tekst 'huisarts' in Nederland (zorgkaartnederland.nl)
How can I apply for benefits from the IRS?
It is best to contact a tax advisor for advice, such as one of our partners.
There are risks associated with applying for benefits incorrectly. For example, having to pay back to the tax authorities afterwards an overpayment or an improperly obtained allowance.
Partner belastingzaken: The Taxsavers.
Link: How do benefits work? (belastingdienst.nl).
DigiD = is short for digital identity. You can use your DigiD to log on to government websites in order to arrange for your government affairs Link: Home English | DigiD
I do not have a lease, may I use the Welcome Center address?
In some cases this is possible, for that you can contact your immigration advisor.
Also check out the options for finding housing through our Home search program or one of our partners.
Pagina: Home Search Program Partner huisvesting: De Thijmse Berg Partner huisvesting: Short Stay Wageningen Link: Kan ik mijzelf laten inschrijven op een briefadres? | Rijksoverheid.nl
Can you assist in applying for the 30% rule?
To apply for the 30% rule, please refer to one of our partners.
For the 30% rule, you must meet a number of conditions.
Partner belastingzaken: The Taxsavers Pagina: Handige websites Link: Can I apply for the 30% facility? (belastingdienst.nl)
I am coming to Wageningen with my family but have not yet found housing. May we be temporarily registered at the Welcome Center address?
Unfortunately, that is not possible. Housing should be arranged for the entire family once they arrive in the Netherlands. The entire family must be registered at the same address as the primary resident.
For housing support, we work with our partners:
- Short Stay Wageningen:
For anyone looking for temporary housing! - Vacation park De Thijmse Berg:
Affordable housing for short and longer periods
Also check out the options for finding housing through our Home search program.
Once housing is found, the move can be reported to the municipality.
Pagina: Home Search Program Partner huisvesting: De Thijmse Berg Partner huisvesting: Short Stay Wageningen Link: Hoe kan ik mijn verhuizing doorgeven aan de gemeente? | Rijksoverheid.nl. Link: Kan ik mijzelf laten inschrijven op een briefadres? | Rijksoverheid.nl
Can you assist me in applying for a search year residency permit?
No, unfortunately not because this is a private request.
The IND website has a lot of information about applying for a seeker year residence permit.
Link: Verblijfsvergunning zoekjaar hoogopgeleiden | IND.
IND = Immigratie- en naturalisatiedienst | Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid
I have lived in the Netherlands for some time and am now moving to a temporary address at which I cannot be registered. Can I register for that long at the Welcome Center address?
Unfortunately, this is not possible.
For housing support, we work with our partners:
- Short Stay Wageningen:
For anyone looking for temporary housing! - Vacation park De Thijmse Berg:
Affordable housing for short and longer periods
Also check out the options for finding housing through our Home search program.
Once housing is found, the move can be reported to the municipality.
Pagina: Home Search Program Partner huisvesting: De Thijmse Berg Partner huisvesting: Short Stay Wageningen Link: Hoe kan ik mijn verhuizing doorgeven aan de gemeente? | Rijksoverheid.nl. Link: Kan ik mijzelf laten inschrijven op een briefadres? | Rijksoverheid.nl
Can you reschedule my GGD appointment?
You can reschedule your GGD appointment by contacting them directly.
If you have another question, please feel free to contact us. We are always happy to help.