& testimonials

Happy with the Welcome Center

‘The proof of the pudding [stroopwafel] is in the eating’

From expats to HR consultants, as well as partners, board members and staff; These people all have their own motivations for why they are happy with the Welcome Center.
Read below they say about us.

“I am grateful for your priceless help to me. Thank you very much for your quick response and help.”

Murat Yanet, PhD candidate
WUR, Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group (AFSG)

“Get support from people who are knowledgeable. In many cases, it is quite complex to comply with all the rules and regulations.

The WCFV has the necessary expertise. That way you avoid fines that are imposed if you don’t comply.”

Anja van Holland, Management assistant
Wagenigen University & Research, Chair Group Microbiology

“Moving to a new place can be very stressful. For me, traveling and settling in the Netherlands was never hard, because I had all the necessary support and information at each step from Expat Center Food valley in Wageningen.”

Steve Gowelo, Researcher
Wagenigen University & Research, Plant Sciences Group (PSG)

“I considered other countries in the EU. Yet I found the Netherlands the most suitable because the administration system is quite clear due to the implementation of recent technologies. The Netherlands is also very international.”

Harimurti Buntaran from Indonesia
KeyGene, Data Scientist

“We have been very satisfied with the service provided by the Expat Center Food Valley for many years. The highly skilled migrants feel very welcome in the Netherlands because of the customer-friendly approach.”

Marlies Koggel, Immigration Lawyer
Courdid – Wage tax and expatriate services, Labor migration (immigration)

“The cases that stick with me the most often have to do with unrest in the country of origin, which sometimes adds complexity to the process. For example, a closed embassy can be challenging.”

Loes Ederveen, Immigration Advisor
Welcome Center Food Valley

“The advisors at Expat Center Food Valley greatly relieve us, and our expats and Non EU interns, by arranging the complicated employment and residence permits to our complete satisfaction.”

Marloes van Meeteren, HR advisor
Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, Resource Desk

“I enjoy being the first point of contact during the immigration process. You are in a beacon at an exciting time for these people.

I am happy to help people on their way aslo after they arrive. And it is so nice to hear the stories about their homeland in the process.

The whole world passes by my desk. I find it an inspiring work environment.”

Miranda Janssen, Immigration Advisor
Welcome Center Food Valley

“The whole process was really stress-less.
I appreciate all of the effort.”

Ikenna Okehie, from Nigeria
An attendee at a WCFV Social Event, via feedback form

”WCFV helps us in all the steps we have to take. Even the trainee who is going to come here is guided step by step, which works fine.”

Hittjo R. Homan, Manager of Dairy Technology
Yili Innovation Center Europe

“I really loved the social event, getting the chance to interact with the people and familiarize with culture, food and games.

Thanks for giving us the chance to meet the people and learn about that stuff.

And thanks for the food.”

Mohammed Barsi, employee at WUR
An attendee at a WCFV Social Event, via feedback form

“People in the Netherlands are a lot nicer than I expected, friendly smiles & helpful staff everywhere.

I Loved the event. Welcome center is very welcoming & everything is going better than I expected.”

Anonymous, expat
An attendee at a WCFV Social Event, via feedback form

“Thank you for making such effort and making people ease in adapting the countries culture, polities and law.”

Dr. Sushma, from Maranganti Bhatter, India
An attendee at a WCFV Social Event, via feedback form

“Yes I enjoyed the event and I find it important to organize space/time/activity where people can meet each other outside of work environment.”

Anonymous, expat
An attendee at a WCFV Social Event, via feedback form

“No comments, just thanks!”

Anonymous, expat
An attendee at a WCFV Social Event, via feedback form

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