Effective January 1, 2025, the salary criteria for highly skilled migrants and EU Blue Card holders will change. This is important for all organizations that employ or want to attract international talent.
Here are the new gross monthly amounts in a row:
- Highly skilled migrant (30 years and older): €5,688.00
- Highly skilled migrant (younger than 30 years): €4,171.00
- Highly skilled migrant with reduced criterion: €2,989.00
- EU Blue Card: €5,688.00
- EU Blue Card with reduced criterion: €4,551.00
Please note: These amounts exclude 8% vacation allowance and apply only to stipulated, monthly fees. Market conformity is required (except for the EU Blue Card, which has different requirements).
Nothing will change for existing residence permits, but changes in circumstances may be affected. And for applications submitted before January 1, 2025, the 2024 salary criterion will apply. Also, in situations where the Application for Entry and Residence (TEV) was submitted before January 1, 2025 while the Highly skilled migrant will not travel to the Netherlands until 2025, the old criterion applies
Questions about what this means for your organization?
The Welcome Center Food Valley is ready to support you with questions about Highly skilled migrants, EU Blue Card holders and the impact of these changes. Contact us or visit our website to learn more about immigration procedures we do for Dutch employers. And read more about our welcome services that support expats to find housing, schools for children and work for their partner.
Together we build a strong and diverse international workplace!
#Highlyskilledmigrants #InternationalTalent #HRM #WelcomeCenterFoodValley
Salary highly skilled migrants
Salary highly skilled migrants salary highly skilled migrants on the IND website:
Hiring highly skilled migrants
More about hiring highly skilled migrants: